Thursday, February 14, 2008


The below email was sent to me this morning. For some reason it really inspired me and I just thought I would share with you......

Being Clear About Desires

Getting What We Want

The best way to get what we want from life is to first know what we
want. If we haven’t taken the time to really understand and
identify what would truly make us happy, we won’t be able to ask
for it from those around us or from the universe. We may not even
be able to recognize it once it arrives. Once we are clear about
what we want, we can communicate it to those around us. When we can
be honest about who we are and what we want, there is no need to
demand, be rude or aggressive, or manipulate others that are
involved in helping us get what we want. Instead, we know that we
are transmitting a signal on the right frequency to bring all that
we desire into our experience.

As the world evolves, humanity is learning to work from the heart.
We may have been taught that the way to get what we want is to
follow certain rules, play particular games, or even engage in acts
that use less than our highest integrity. The only rules we need to
apply are those of intention and connection. In terms of energy, we
can see that it takes a lot of energy to keep up a false front or
act in a way that is counter to our true nature, but much less
energy is expended when we can just be and enjoy connections that
energize us in return. Then our energy can be directed toward
living the life we want right now.

Society has certain expectations of behavior and the roles each of
us should play, but as spiritual beings we are not bound by these
superficial structures unless we choose to accept them. Instead, we
can listen to our hearts and follow what we know to be true and
meaningful for us. In doing so, we will find others who have chosen
the same path. It can be easy to get caught up in following goals
that appear to be what we want, but when we pursue the underlying
value, we are certain to stay on our right path and continue to
feed our soul.


Mr. Jones said...

Thanks for sharing.

fuzzy said...

I need to be getting letters like this to my email!
Twas the first time visiting, I will be back...

Thanks for commenting by the way!


Good day sir. Wow, glad I lucked up on your page. I really needed this word today.
Peace and Blessings