Monday, November 5, 2007

Halloween Party

Its been almost a week since I have posted! I was so busy and tied up with my Halloween Party. Thanks to all of those who came out. My fellow socialite Prince Xem was in the building, looking HOT as ever ! The party was such a success and everyone had a great time. There are some pictures on myspace. ( I know official is spelled wrong, a friend of mine created the page, I wouldnt dare).

Sadly enough, my party ended thirty minutes early because some man made woman decided to begin fighting and pepper spraying in my party ! HOW DID SHIM EVEN GET IN ?? It was chaotic, all I know is that I had stepped outside to walk a friend to the car, come back around the corner and everyone is outside coughing and throwing up. Needless to say, I attempted to attack this disturbed individual, before I composed myself and realized not to stoop to IT'S level.

It saddens me that this is a re-occuring problem here in Baltimore within the gay scene. Whether I am at the Hippo, Gallery, Grand Central, or some house function, gay people always manage to fight. I'd like to throw the homos a bone and say that you cant mix alcohol and attitude. Even then, one should be able to maintain themselves and preserve their classiness at all times. But I guess to preserve it, you have to first have it.

I met a new guy a few days before my party. We met because I was inviting him to my party and we have been chatting every day since. Great guy, funny, keeps me up all night on the phone...but I smell secrets in the closet. Stay tuned blog world....

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